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Clinical Research Training Institute

 with CRTI
participant Dr. Brandon Blue.

The ASH Clinical Research Training Institute (CRTI) is a unique, year-long education and mentoring program for hematology fellows and junior faculty at academic medical centers. CRTI offers a broad education on clinical research methods, research collaborations, statistical analysis, and managing the demands of family and career. The goal of the program is to produce leaders armed with ideas for clinical hematology research and the tools and resources to make their ideas a reality.

CRTI consists of four mandatory components:

  1. A week-long workshop in August 2024 in La Jolla, California, which focuses on the foundation, methodologies, and application of patient-oriented clinical research
  2. A meeting at the ASH annual meeting in December 2024
  3. A one-day class in May 2025 at ASH Headquarters in Washington, DC
  4. Networking and mentorship through distance learning, which takes place between the in-person meetings

There is no fee to apply, and ASH pays for participants’ travel expenses to the summer workshop and spring meeting. Travel costs and other expenses associated with attending the ASH annual meeting are the responsibility of the participant and/or the participant’s academic institution. Learn more.

Key Dates

Letter of Intent Available September 29, 2023
Letter of Intent Deadline (new deadline!) December 15, 2023
Application Deadline February 29, 2024
Award Notification May 2024
Workshop August 3-9, 2024

What Is CRTI and What Makes It Unique?

Watch the video below to learn more about the ASH Clinical Research Training Institute, which provides essential training for the next generation of clinical hematology researchers.


If you have questions or require additional information regarding the ASH Clinical Research Training Institute, please contact [email protected].

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